A Giant Defeated


Between the two, a valley lay
Israelites and Philistines beckoning war
Out of the camp of the Philistines
A towering giant would arise
Heavily clad, defiant and bold
So to sway the staff of his spear
A nation in fear, as was King Saul
Forty days of terror
Armies advancing in battle
Yet to defeat
As Israelites retreat in the sight of David
Stood in dismay
Honours and riches, marital reward
To he who can defeat the giant
A due attack with staff and sling
No sword for him
A trust in the God of the living
A protective guide
With fears aside, a stone was struck
Of awesome power to the giant’s head
Down to the ground, accomplished with sword
An honourable defeat
A nation at peace

Written by Geraldine Taylor ©


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